Author Archive for Katheryn Napier

Increase your Intuitive Clarity:

According to Doreen Virtue

For example, here are three foods which will instantly increase your Intuitive Clarity:

  1. Fresh Pineapple: It’s the life-force energy in foods which increase our psychic energy. Pineapple has the highest life-force energy when it is sun-ripened. It goes right to the pineal gland (which is named for the pineapple because it’s shaped like the fruit) to increase your ability to visualize and have accurate visions.
  2. Organic Broccoli: Broccoli is the winner of all foods that support endocrine glands associated with intuition. Just be sure it’s organic, as pesticide residue is an intuitive blocking agent.
  3. Raw Organic Almonds: Besides the stress-reducing act of chewing on almonds, the boost of protein, Vitamin E, and calcium is gratefully absorbed by your endocrine glands and chakras, resulting in greater clarity with your intuition.

Space Clearing

Space Clearing for Life

What is space clearing? A clearing of unnecessary and unwanted energy from your surroundings.

I am going to show you how to simply and easily clear your home, office, car, or hotel room wherever you may go.

It is a wonderful way to sweep stuck, negative energy out of home or surroundings. In its place you will a house with a sparkling, energized atmosphere and a feeling of serenity.

The following life circumstances are perfect opportunities for space clearing.

See if any of these apply to your life……..

  • Does it seem like you have had a run of Bad Luck?
  • Things just not going the way you wanted it to go?
  • Do you feel Stuck, Unmotivated and Unenthusiastic about your life?
  • Are you moving into a New Home or Office with help from a Small removals company?
  • Have you just gone through a major Life Event, Birth, Death, Marriage, or Divorce?
  • Or perhaps you just want to fill your home with a bright, fresh, clear energy.

If any of these situations apply to you, perhaps Space Clearing could be a huge help.

I would strongly advise clearing one room at a time, after making sure you have cleaned and De-cluttered the area completely.

If you try to clear a room that is messy, untidy, and cluttered, the effects are nullified.

Important Note: Please do not do this work if you do not fill well. Tired, if you are pregnant, or if you feel anxious in anyway. You always want to be at your best or hire someone, or have any Priest, Pastor, or someone who works with the light.

Make sure you have essential items for Powerful Space Clearing before you begin.

I offer a complete space clearing kit in the Space Clearing Products.

Available at for $49.00

Available at for $49.00

Chakra Balancing

Male silhouette meditating with chakra

Chakra Balancing Energy of Avalon 220S. Woodland Blvd. #F Deland, Fl. 32720

What is Chakra Balancing, and why do we need to do it!

When it comes to Chakra Balancing I liken it to a chiropractic adjustment, except this is a spiritual adjustment an adjustment of your aura, energy.

When I use Chakra balancing on my clients I find many times that this helps to align them with life. I know that may sound simplistic, and I guess it is, it’s that simple. But as simple as it is, it remains important.

Like going to a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, Chakra balancing provides an even flow of energy and healing to occur.

When I am teaching a Metaphysical Course, I will balance everyone’s Chakras within the first few hours. I feel it allows the energy and information of the class to flow freely and to be more readily absorbed.

When working with clients balancing the Chakras serves as a deepening technique also which allows all the information for change to be accepted easier.

And of all the techniques I do, I seem to get a lot of feedback from this process. No harm can come from it, only benefits.

The benefits have become so noticeable that I have created a CD just for the purpose of balancing the Chakras. I always recommend to a client or student that balancing one’s Chakras are as important to the mind body and spirit as a regular teeth cleaning.

Balancing your chakras once a month would not be excessive.

I tell my students you always recognize when you need a Chakra Balancing, by simple things. A lack of energy, and excessive negativity in your thoughts. An overall feeling of motivation and happiness in your life. Trying Chakra Balancing may surprise you, on how much better you feel. If you have any questions about personal training or learning to train others feel free to contact me at 407-492-7363.

House Clearing

House clearing

A step-by-step guide to Basic House Clearing

Used together with de-cluttering, House Clearing is an elemental part of maintaining a vibrant, healthy, holistic home or workplace.


  1. It is best to do this by yourself. Make sure the children and pets are not present.
  2. Have the room you’re going to clear, be absolutely clean and tidy as possible.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing (if possible stay barefoot during the clearing.)
  4. Open windows to allow fresh air to circulate as you work, and to allow all trapped negative energy to freely leave.
  5. Take as long as you need to calm and centered your self. Take time to think about what you want this space clearing to achieve:  better and healthier atmosphere, improved sleep and overall health, are maybe the start of a happier, calmer  more fulfilled time of your life; it is completely personal and up to you.
  6. Call in whatever Angels are divine beings that are appropriate for your situation to help you.
  7. Used the bells are symbols in each corner of the room and in the center to shake up and disperse the stagnant, stale energy.
  8. Light your smudge stick our incense carefully and walk around the room, (hold your fireproof container under the stick to catch the ash).
  9. As a finish to the space clearing, place a bowl of sea salt in the middle of the room you have just cleared, or you can place small bowls of salt in each corner to absorb any residue negative energy.
  10. Light a candle, and at the same time starting your wish for the space clearing. Thank all the divine beings who have helped you.
  11. Find the aroma/fragrance of choice, I use eucalyptus. Spritz the area to clear away any final negativity and to positively energize and cleanse the atmosphere.


Remember: there is no wrong way to house clearing. A clear intention and a calm disposition is all that is needed to bring about your intentions. (Sometimes soft music can help you calm and aid with the House Clearing).

Spirit Guides, Lets Contact Them

We all have spirit guides- quoting Sylvia Brown -in all her research and experience each person has no more than two guides. Nonphysical souls who are there to support our growth, help us to complete our life tasks and provide the spiritual assistance we need.

A spirit guide, however, will only come forth if invited. Although most of us have a main guide, others come and go depending upon our life purpose and our current circumstances.

Communication with your spirit guides is an exciting experience. You must have an open mind and a willingness to learn new and exciting things.

What I have found over my many years of working with people that desire to contact their guides, that bar none hypnosis is the fast track to contacting your guide.

Your willingness, and enlightenment to the spiritual world is essential.

The mere act of using hypnosis for anything, I have found is a “Thinning of the Veil”

so to speak. And of course if you are a believer in the afterlife, guides, and healers hypnosis becomes your ability to contact your guides by design.

I have found when I work with clients that desire this and then teach them self hypnosis it becomes a fast-track for contacting your guides on a daily basis. Unlike meditation when you must clear your mind. And you concentrate your focus upon the sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, on one thing a mantra. And this may take more time than the average person has.

When I teach my metaphysical classes, I actually begin the weekend first by teaching everyone self hypnosis. In doing this it guarantees everything we do whether it is contacting guides, doing past life regression, healing, Astral projection, reading Aura’s all this becomes easier, through the use of self hypnosis.

This is not to say you can’t contact her guides on a daily basis, self hypnosis provides a fast-track focused thoughts. When you bypass the conscious mind, the subconscious mind opens up and can allow a floodgate of information.

Wonderful and Amazingly Bizarre

Hi Katheryn,

 I just wanted to say how amazingly bizarre today’s session was.  I have felt buoyant and exhausted all afternoon.  I can’t thank you enough for everything you have opened up for me.  I was halfway home and wanted to turn around, run back into your office and pay you to stay for the rest of the day to do it again.  I don’t understand everything that happened to me today, or even fully understand how I’m feeling now.  I had to take some time to digest it all before I wrote this, because I wanted to rush home and just type a giant Thank You on the screen, but I thought that might be a bit impulsive. 

I know that I’m in turbo babble, but I just feel so incredibly full of positive emotion, I don’t know who else or how to even try to express it all.  I haven’t felt this serenely content in a very long time.  I couldn’t even try to tell you when the last time I felt like this was, if ever to this extent.  I am the only person who knows some of the things that I discussed today  I can’t begin to understand how you instilled that kind of trust in me for you.  But I am so very grateful that you did.  

So I guess that I just really want to say THANK YOU.  You have been wonderful for me.

See you soon,

Cathy (your poster child :


About this Site

This site was designed to bring information together on the metaphysical and all it’s vast topics. The list is endless and if their is a topic you would like to hear about please feel free to contact me at

I have done a great deal of research on these topic and have found hypnosis is a great launching pad to reach these areas. With hypnosis you can visit areas of the mind that are unattainable on a conscious level or at the very least harder to reach and maintain the level needed to obtain the desired results.

Discover Your Reason for Being

What are your greatest gifts? How can you best serve mankind? These are questions you must answer to find your true purpose in life.

Who am I?

What am I meant to do here?

What am I trying to do with my life?

Why do I question this feeling?

What is this stirring from within?

What is this feeling of awaking?

What is my path?

What is this new thirst for knowledge?

These are powerful questions that can be difficult to answer. They sometimes surface during major life transitions such as family strife, job loss, after surgery or the death of a loved one.

This in turn produces spiritual awakenings.

Every person is a unique being. There is only one of you in the universe. You have many obvious gifts and other gifts still waiting to be discovered. And each person is experiencing their own awakening.

I have made it my purpose to help others with their journey with their spiritual awakening.

Learning the path to true enlightenment is rewarding, on your path to Universal Love.

I truly believe, however, that one of the most important questions you can ask yourself in your journey to find your purpose is, ‘How can I serve others?”

Albert Schweitzer said it well:  “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”


Wanted: Near Death or Coma People

If you or someone you know has had an NDE or been in a Coma please feel free to email, as we are doing on going Research. In doing this you may be helped with many of the issues that come with having been in a Coma or had a Near Death Experience (NDE).

In my experience as a hypnotist, having worked with many NDE’s The following holds true. The traits of a classical NDE are as follows:

  • .The notice of a very unpleasant sound or noise.
  • A sense/awareness of being dead.
  • A sense of peace, well-being and painlessness.
  • Positive emotions.
  • A feeling of being removed from the world.
  • An out-of-body experience. A perception of one’s body from an outside position
  • Sometimes observing doctors and nurses performing medical resuscitation efforts.
  • A “tunnel experience”. A sense of moving up, or through, a passageway or staircase.
  • A rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in a powerful light.
  • Communication with the light.
  • An intense feeling of unconditional love.
  • Encountering “Beings of Light”, “Beings dressed in white”, or other spiritual beings.
  • Also, the possibility of being reunited with deceased loved ones.
  • Being given knowledge about one’s life and the nature of the universe.
  • A decision by oneself or others to return to one’s body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return.
  • Approaching a border.



What is a Near Death Experience

Near death experience

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A near-death experience (NDE), refers to a broad range of personal experiences associated with impending death, encompassing multiple possible sensations including detachment from the body; feelings of levitation; extreme fear; total serenity, security, or warmth; the experience of absolute dissolution; and the presence of a light, which some people interpret as a deity.

These phenomena are usually reported after an individual has been pronounced clinically dead or otherwise very close to death, hence the term near-death experience. Many NDE reports, however, originate from events that are not life-threatening. With recent developments in cardiac resuscitation techniques, the number of reported NDEs has increased. Many in the scientific community regard such experiences as hallucinatory, while paranormal specialists and some mainstream scientists claim them to be evidence of an afterlife.

Popular interest in near-death experiences was initially sparked by Raymond Moody‘s 1975 book Life After Life[9] and the founding of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) in 1981. According to a Gallup poll, approximately eight million Americans claim to have had a near-death experience. Some commentators, such as Simpson claim that the number of near-death experiencers may be underestimated, mainly because some such individuals are presumably afraid or otherwise reluctant to talk about their experiences.


Gustave Doré‘s depiction of the highest heaven as described by Dante Alighieri in the Paradiso Researchers have identified the common elements that define near-death experiences. Bruce Greyson argues that the general features of the experience include impressions of being outside one’s physical body, visions of deceased relatives and religious figures, and transcendence of ego and spatiotemporal boundaries. The experience may also follow a distinct progression, as illustrated below.

The traits of a classical NDE are as follows:

  • Receiving a message in words or sentences in the person’s mother tongue.
  • The notice of a very unpleasant sound or noise.
  • A sense/awareness of being dead.
  • A sense of peace, well-being and painlessness. Positive emotions. A feeling of being removed from the world.
  • An out of body experience. A perception of one’s body from an outside position. Sometimes observing doctors and nurses performing medical resuscitation efforts.
  • A “tunnel experience”. A sense of moving up, or through, a passageway or staircase.  
  • Being given a Life Review
  • A rapid movement toward and/or sudden immersion in a powerful light. Communication with the light.
  • An intense feeling of unconditional love.
  • Encountering “Beings of Light”, “Beings dressed in white”, or other spiritual beings. Also, the possibility of being reunited with deceased loved ones.
  • Being presented with knowledge about one’s life and the nature of the universe
  • A decision by oneself or others to return to one’s body, often accompanied by a reluctance to return.
  • Approaching a border.
  • There also seems to be a link between the cultural and spiritual beliefs where you live. These seem to dictate what is experienced in the NDE (Miner-Holder,

Alien Encounters Revealed with Hypnotherapy:

Have you seen a UFO or have had an encounter. Not sure, hypnosis can help give you answers, is this real or is this my imagination.

Many People have reported missing time, awaking in their bath tub fully clothed. Some find odd puncture wounds on their body only to have them quickly disappear. I have helped many clients to understand this phenomenon with the use of Hypnotherapy all can be revealed.

Alien encounters and abductions are claims that non-human life forms ”kidnap” people and supposedly then are used for medical examination or experiments. The stories range from terrifying to pleasant experiences. Unlike popular belief not all encounters have been Alien abductions.

I am skilled at getting to the truth. Having worked with hundreds of clients that have had alien Encounters, I have developed a honed skill.

“Why is it I can’t remember what happened?”   ”  I have nightmares with unexplained memories”

It has been said by some that all your memories of the abduction are blocked with their hypnosis “Once they have but their hypnotic lock on your mind no one can find the truth.” This is far from the truth. With proper hypnotherapy all can be revealed..

When the knowledge is revealed a person can neutralize their effect, and move forward with their life. In many cases the nightmares stop, migraines are minimized, allergies disappear. Feelings of being paranoid, like being watched, disappear.

Please feel free to contact me for a free console.