
Alien Encounters Revealed with Hypnotherapy:

Have you seen a UFO or have had an encounter. Not sure, hypnosis can help give you answers, is this real or is this my imagination.

Many People have reported missing time, awaking in their bath tub fully clothed. Some find odd puncture wounds on their body only to have them quickly disappear. I have helped many clients to understand this phenomenon with the use of Hypnotherapy all can be revealed.

Alien encounters and abductions are claims that non-human life forms ”kidnap” people and supposedly then are used for medical examination or experiments. The stories range from terrifying to pleasant experiences. Unlike popular belief not all encounters have been Alien abductions.

I am skilled at getting to the truth. Having worked with hundreds of clients that have had alien Encounters, I have developed a honed skill.

“Why is it I can’t remember what happened?”   ”  I have nightmares with unexplained memories”

It has been said by some that all your memories of the abduction are blocked with their hypnosis “Once they have but their hypnotic lock on your mind no one can find the truth.” This is far from the truth. With proper hypnotherapy all can be revealed..

When the knowledge is revealed a person can neutralize their effect, and move forward with their life. In many cases the nightmares stop, migraines are minimized, allergies disappear. Feelings of being paranoid, like being watched, disappear.

Please feel free to contact me for a free console.