Space clearing is like Feng Shui, you are Releasing the negative energy from your Space.
The art of clearing and rejuvenating energy in homes and other places where there is an accumulation. It’s as important to the energetic maintenance of a home, office, or place as physical cleaning is to your body. I Provide a wide range of products that I believe is the only complete and effective way to rid your personal space of unwanted and unneeded energy. Space Clearing, House Clearing, Energy Clearing,Removing Etheric Energy, House Blessing, House Healing, the Pastors, Ministers and Clergy of all type and religious affiliation have been doing House Cleansing and Blessings for a very long time.
Feng Shui and then there is Space Clearing
For a healthy mind, body and spirit it is vital to have a good clean vibrant energy in your home, office and car. Feng shui is an organized system that allows us to design places to maximize the best flow of energy around us by improving design of the structure, types of furniture and where it is placed, colors, textures, schemes ext. It is designed to balance your environment.
Space Clearing & Clutter Clearing
Clutter clearing is recommended to prepare for any space clearing ceremony. Begin with the physical level of clutter clearing old clothes, books, magazines, expired foods. It will involve clearing physical objects from your space,
All Energy can be Recorded in Objects
The walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects in the home. It can be imprinted into the very structure. Repetitive actions and behaviors are deeply imprinted, events that have strong emotions or trauma are the ones that are imprinted the most. If you’ve ever walked into a room after there has just been an argument, you know that you can literally feel it in the air. People say, ‘You could have cut the air with a knife!’, meaning that the air was so dense it was as if the argument were physically still there.
When or How often does space clearing need to be done in a home or office?

Small Pocket Space Clearing Kit for Dorm, Car $18.00
At least once a year, or even more if their is an illness or perhaps something tragic occurred, even the ending of a relationship or if you begin to feel drained of energy or out of the blue odd things or disturbing things begin to happen. If so every 3-6 months, never hurts to do a good spring cleaning.
Chakra Balancing, Alar Piece,$77.00, Available at
*Display or Altar Piece, Divine Feminine with Chakras for Meditation for Energy Balance.
*1 Garden Meditation CD for balancing your Chakras
* Also comes with a meditation for each chakra for a proper alignment.
*Regain your proper balance for Positive Energy, Health,
*Healing the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, and the Mental Body.
*Hand Carved, Made in America, Solid Black Walnut Statue from the hills of N.C.
*5/8″ thick, 4″wide, 15″ Tall
*Each piece is hand made with slight variations
*Excellent for meditation
*Through Meditation and Balancing the Chakras we receive Balance, Harmony, and Peace.
*Limited Edition
*This piece is thinner than the other Alter pieces in this store allowing for a lower price for discriminating taste.
*Chakra Staff, Wand, Display or Altar Piece, Divine Feminine with Chakras for Meditation for Energy Balance.
*1 Garden Meditation CD for balancing your Chakras
* Also comes with a laminated meditation sheet for each chakra for a proper alignment.
*Regain your proper balance for Positive Energy, Health,
*Healing the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, and the Mental Body.
*Hand Carved, Made in America, Solid Cedar Staff, Statue from the hills of N.C.
*3/4″ thick, 4″wide,24″ Tall
*Each piece is hand made with slight variations
*Excellent for meditation
*Through Meditation and Balancing the Chakras we receive Balance, Harmony, and Peace.
*Limited Edition