Archive for Spiritual Hypnosis

Increase your Intuitive Clarity:

According to Doreen Virtue

For example, here are three foods which will instantly increase your Intuitive Clarity:

  1. Fresh Pineapple: It’s the life-force energy in foods which increase our psychic energy. Pineapple has the highest life-force energy when it is sun-ripened. It goes right to the pineal gland (which is named for the pineapple because it’s shaped like the fruit) to increase your ability to visualize and have accurate visions.
  2. Organic Broccoli: Broccoli is the winner of all foods that support endocrine glands associated with intuition. Just be sure it’s organic, as pesticide residue is an intuitive blocking agent.
  3. Raw Organic Almonds: Besides the stress-reducing act of chewing on almonds, the boost of protein, Vitamin E, and calcium is gratefully absorbed by your endocrine glands and chakras, resulting in greater clarity with your intuition.

Chakra Balancing

Male silhouette meditating with chakra

Chakra Balancing Energy of Avalon 220S. Woodland Blvd. #F Deland, Fl. 32720

What is Chakra Balancing, and why do we need to do it!

When it comes to Chakra Balancing I liken it to a chiropractic adjustment, except this is a spiritual adjustment an adjustment of your aura, energy.

When I use Chakra balancing on my clients I find many times that this helps to align them with life. I know that may sound simplistic, and I guess it is, it’s that simple. But as simple as it is, it remains important.

Like going to a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, Chakra balancing provides an even flow of energy and healing to occur.

When I am teaching a Metaphysical Course, I will balance everyone’s Chakras within the first few hours. I feel it allows the energy and information of the class to flow freely and to be more readily absorbed.

When working with clients balancing the Chakras serves as a deepening technique also which allows all the information for change to be accepted easier.

And of all the techniques I do, I seem to get a lot of feedback from this process. No harm can come from it, only benefits.

The benefits have become so noticeable that I have created a CD just for the purpose of balancing the Chakras. I always recommend to a client or student that balancing one’s Chakras are as important to the mind body and spirit as a regular teeth cleaning.

Balancing your chakras once a month would not be excessive.

I tell my students you always recognize when you need a Chakra Balancing, by simple things. A lack of energy, and excessive negativity in your thoughts. An overall feeling of motivation and happiness in your life. Trying Chakra Balancing may surprise you, on how much better you feel. If you have any questions about personal training or learning to train others feel free to contact me at 407-492-7363.

Spirit Guides, Lets Contact Them

We all have spirit guides- quoting Sylvia Brown -in all her research and experience each person has no more than two guides. Nonphysical souls who are there to support our growth, help us to complete our life tasks and provide the spiritual assistance we need.

A spirit guide, however, will only come forth if invited. Although most of us have a main guide, others come and go depending upon our life purpose and our current circumstances.

Communication with your spirit guides is an exciting experience. You must have an open mind and a willingness to learn new and exciting things.

What I have found over my many years of working with people that desire to contact their guides, that bar none hypnosis is the fast track to contacting your guide.

Your willingness, and enlightenment to the spiritual world is essential.

The mere act of using hypnosis for anything, I have found is a “Thinning of the Veil”

so to speak. And of course if you are a believer in the afterlife, guides, and healers hypnosis becomes your ability to contact your guides by design.

I have found when I work with clients that desire this and then teach them self hypnosis it becomes a fast-track for contacting your guides on a daily basis. Unlike meditation when you must clear your mind. And you concentrate your focus upon the sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, on one thing a mantra. And this may take more time than the average person has.

When I teach my metaphysical classes, I actually begin the weekend first by teaching everyone self hypnosis. In doing this it guarantees everything we do whether it is contacting guides, doing past life regression, healing, Astral projection, reading Aura’s all this becomes easier, through the use of self hypnosis.

This is not to say you can’t contact her guides on a daily basis, self hypnosis provides a fast-track focused thoughts. When you bypass the conscious mind, the subconscious mind opens up and can allow a floodgate of information.

Automatic Writing with Hypnosis

Automatic Writing With Hypnosis

Automatic writing with Hypnosis is the process, or product, of writing material that does not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer.

The writer’s hand forms the message, and the person is unaware of what will be written. It is sometimes done in a trance state. Other times the writer is aware (not in a trance) of their surroundings, but the actions of their writing hand.

Therapy – Automatic writing is used as a tool in Freudian psychology and in related “self knowledge” studies, where it is seen as a means of gaining insight into the mind of the automatic writer through their subconscious word choices.

Religion – Automatic writing is used in Spiritualism and the New Age movement as a form of channeling. One of the best-known automatic writers was Helene Smith, an early 20th century psychic who felt that her automatic writing was the attempt of Martians to communicate with Earth. She claimed she could translate their Martian language into French.

Free writing -later gained popularity with writers and poets, both as a means of stimulating creative thought and as a technique for overcoming writer’s block.

Doodling- is a form of automatic writing as it is generally not consciously focused writing. Many people doodle spirals which are associated with Sacred Geometry.

We attempt automatic writing for several reasons. First, to get information about our personal life. Second – to confirm something from some who exists on the other side or has deceased.

The answers can be surprising … but always be cautious as with any tool of divination chosen, such as the ouija board.

If you have emotional problems – you may not like the messages that come through. Your consciousness, being in lower frequency due to emotional problems will attract a lower frequency entity.

If you like drama, and consider your life to be in drama, don’t channel.

When attempting automatic writing you may use a writing implement, computer, or any other means of communicating through the written word. Many people prefer the computer as they can type quickly without filtering the information coming through. When reread, even a typo can mean something.

To divert the focus of the writer, shifting from left brain logical thinking, to right brain intuitive thinking, take a pencil in hand, place it against a piece of paper as if about to write something. Then turn your attention to something else, such as watching television, reading a book, or talking with someone. For many people, their hand will write coherent material.

Much of this goes to ‘control’ and have much you are willing to give to a non-physical entity.

The amount of time spent on automatic writing can vary with the person and the session.

Words, sentences or whole paragraphs may appear. Often, the writing is illegible – the text appearing jumbled – without proper grammar or punctuation – mostly run-on sentences.

Messages can be written in a language, or hand writing style, not recognized by the writer and signed by someone unknown.

Some automatic writers know who is giving the messages while others do not. If the energies feel comfortable to you then you will soon learn who the entity is and why he/she is writing with you.

If you feel the least bit uncomfortable with the entity or the information received STOP!

Let all information flow! Do not stop to think about – or process – what you are writing / typing.

If you feel that more than one entity is trying to write through you – ask them to take their time and you will write with them one at a time. Always get a name.

Some of the best works of literature have come through channeled writing.

The best way to know if the information received is valid is to check the validity of what is given.

If you feel uncomfortable stop! If automatic writing is a good tool for you – you will know right (write) away!

Getting Started

  • Always get into a comfortable position.
  • You may be seated at your computer or perhaps a pad and pen in hand.
  • Be sure you are free of distractions.
  • If you are not alone—tell others that you have some personal correspondence to take care of.
  • If you are tired this could actually work better for you.

    You are going to use your computer to talk to your guide, your subconscious you’re Angel your choice. So let us use the word source.

Know that whatever the answer is to your questions it will be written by that source.

Do not allow time for your mind to listen to this information. Just type. You may even want to focus your eyes on something near the computer which keeps the left brain busy while it right brain does the channeling.

It may seem like your own thoughts at first but that is OK. It will get easier and quicker especially if you are on a computer.

This takes practice, practice, practice.

Gently place your finger on the keyboard, or pen in hand. You are relaxed and not concerned about what you will type or write.

Place today’s date at the top of your page.

Mentally call on the support you have chosen, your subconscious or source, you want to communicate with using the computer or pen. Tell them you can only work with one source at a time.

You may select the source, or perhaps it is their choice. Not all guides use automatic writing to communicate.

Less get to know where this information is coming from.

Type or write, “Hello. What is your name?”

Follow with questions about the spirit, guide or source and their relationship with you.

I would suggest you start with simple questions that can be answered with a ‘yes or no’ answer.

Don’t stop to think. Just allow your fingers to type the answer.

This is a time to get to know your source of information and why he / she is working with you at this time.

After a few minutes you will find yourself typing more quickly. There may be mistakes in punctuation – no space between words – poor grammar – unknown words – whatever. This is not important! You can fix the typos later.

Just keep typing questions and answers.

Do not write too much on the first try. Just start slowly and feel comfortable.

You can begin again whenever you like. There is no schedule requirements. Each experience will make you more comfortable.

On the second try you can ask questions that are beyond ‘yes or no’ answers and get more details.

I would suggest you not ask about your love life until you are comfortable with the source of information. This is much easier when the questions are not about you.

On the third try, ask your source (you should now have a name) about your spiritual work – Relationship with this source, other spiritual questions.

On the fourth try – ask about global matters, earth changes, changes in the Millennium.

On the fifth try, begin personal questions but remember you can only ask a question once. Asking a question over and over again until you type your desired answer – is wrong.

Ex. “Does – – – – love me?” If the answer is No ! Then so be it!

Change question to – “Will I find a true love? Marry? Etc.”

The more you use automatic writing, the easier and faster it gets. Remember to save your notes!

There is a writer in each of us. The emotional body expresses itself through the art of writing. Sometimes we write as we feel, thus allowing our pain to come through and be released.

Now is the time to make the decision to do Hypnosis for Automatic Writing, enjoy.

White Light technique

White Light technique


These are wonderful techniques to help protect yourself feel free to use these and offer to others. I also offer a session on divine protection, utilizing hypnosis as a tool to deeply imbed all the positive suggestions for protection. Please feel free to email for more information or call for a private appointment.


Using your creative imagination, imagine that you have a miniature sun, just like the sun in our solar system, deep in your solar plexus. Now imagine this sun is radiating through every atom and cell of your being. It feels you with light out to the tips of your fingers, to the top of your head, and down to the soles of your feet, out to your sides, creating a brilliant, bright, dazzling, radiant, healthy, White Light that Completely surrounds and protects you from any negative harm. This light is your protection; this light is your healing light.

Use this in the morning and at night before you go to bed. Or at any time you detect any negativity. Use it daily and soon it will only take a thought or an intention and instantly you will be protected. Thank of it as turning on a light by flipping a switch; you can turn on this inner sun and let it shine like a light bulb.

It is extremely important to have a total conviction that you are safe within your White Light.

Remember: Your thoughts either Negative or Positive are very powerful. So clean up your thoughts, keep kind thoughts for yourself and others.

Should you find yourself feeling sensitive to the negative vibrations in a room, here is another exercise you can do to keep yourself centered and calm and divinely protected with the White Light.

Step 1.     When you awaken in the morning, imagine your body filled with radiant, pulsating white light. Visualize and affirm that this white light originates with God or Jesus or an Angel of God. In my mind, I am filling myself with radiant, vibrating, pulsating white light from God. You might want to concentrate on your toes and slowly work your way up your body, breathing deeply and calmly all the while until you feel a strong sense of peace permeate all portions of your being.

Step 2.    Next, imagine that this radiant white light overflows your very pores and surrounds you with a bubble of protective, shielding, cushioning white light.

Step 3.    If you plan to drive that day, visualize that your car is filled with that radiant, pulsating white light. That white light overflows your car and forms a bubble of protective, shielding, cushioning white light all around it. Request that the Road Angels guide and guard your driving and the drivers around you all throughout the day. Affirm the following: “My car, the cars of the people I love, all the cars around me, and all forms of transportation everywhere all are traveling safely, and we are all getting to our destinations safely with no problem or disturbance.

Step 4.    Imagine the house where you live and all places you intend to visit that day are also filled with that radiant, pulsating, vibrating white light from God. Imagine those structures are all surrounded by this radiant, vibrating, pulsating white light. Request that this white light from God touch and bless you and all people who spend any amount of time in those structures.

Step 5.    Finally, do some segment-intending. If you sense that a room you are about to enter is filled with angry people or people feelings strong negative emotion of some type, quickly reaffirm that radiant white light fills and surrounds you. Take at least three calming breaths. Then affirm that for the segment of time you intend to spend in that room, radiant white light fills that room very strongly, touching and blessing and protecting you and also touching and blessing and calming the people in that room. Keep your focus more on the feeling of that blessed white light rather than trying to get caught up in the drama-trauma going on in that room.

Tips & Warnings

  • Visualize them being their best self. Try to recall a time when you witnessed them being their best self. If you do stay in the room with them, perhaps find a way to change the subject and focus by saying, “Do you remember that time we did that funny thing?” Or “Do you remember that time when that funny time happened to us?” If that person is involved in putting herself or himself down, perhaps you can pivot the focus in the room by recalling a time when that person did something that demonstrated talent or intelligence or some other positive quality. Shift the conversation by saying, “Do you want to know one of the things that I truly value about you?” Then proceed to tell him or her things that you honestly value and can sincerely praise.
  • Obviously, if this feels too much of a struggle, find a reason to vacate the room. To use an analogy, you are not going to help and be a blessing to them if you are both rolling in the mud. Sometimes, we can help others more if we leave their presence and visualize their well-being from afar.

Ask Your Angels and Guides for Help

There is a whole realm of angels and guides just waiting to help you. All you have to do is ask. Unless you ask, they must watch your life from the sidelines. Getting help from angels or Guides is a wonderful practice to get into. Even if you are not a believer, angels are ready and waiting to serve.


Step 1

Your home and family can be protected at all time. You can! Invite Archangel Michael to live with you. Archangel Michael is so powerful and so loving that he can be in numerous places at once. Inviting Archangel Michael to live with you can bring you peace of mind that your home and family are protected. All you need to do is ask, and Archangel Michael and his band of Angels will be there in an instant.

Step 2

When you get in your car, ask your angels to protect you so you can get to your destination on time, safe and sound, and home again. Angels love to be asked for help. That is their purpose. You can also ask the angels to protect you and your family while traveling so your trip can be enjoyed with ease and grace.

Step 3

If you lose something, ask the angels to help you find it. Just ask for help, and see where you are led. Most likely you will find just what you are looking for.

Step 4

Ask your angels to wake you up in the morning fully refreshed and on time. Many people choose to leave their alarm clocks off and trust that the angels will wake them at the right moment. Before sleeping, ask the angels and or guides for guidance  in your dreams and get information that may help you in your daily life. Upon awakening, you may have a clear path of what to do next.

Step 5

There are angels that rule health, travel, communications, and every aspect of your life. Ask for the perfect angel to help you. Often, angels will come in human form. The person who fixes your flat tire, or the clerk who tells you just what you needed to know are examples of human angels.

Step 6

Angels work in magical ways and are thrilled to be able to help you. However, they do ask for just one thing in return. Gratitude. Be sure to thank your angels for their help. The more thanks you give, the better.

Tips & Warnings

Even if angels and your guides are not visible to the naked eye, they are there to help you.

Remember that you are never alone.

Angels cannot help you unless you ask.

Give thanks to the angels for their help.

You can never ask the angels for too much help.


As a Spiritual Hypnotist I can train you to Contact your Angels and Guides

Contact me for more information at 407-492-7363

Spiritual Hypnosis — Connecting You with Your Guidance

Spiritual Hypnosis — Connecting You with Your Guidance

An increasing number of my clients are turning to me to use hypnosis to help them connect with their Higher Self/Inner Guidance/Higher Source.

Over the last 25 years of my practice, I have found that each of us — regardless of our spiritual or personal belief systems — has within us this connection to Source/Spirit.  This voice is comprised of unlimited wisdom, forgiveness and unconditional love.

Once you discover, learn how to recognize and begin to connect with your Inner Guidance, you can start to trust it and ask it to assist you in your day-to-day activities.

In fact, this guidance has always been there within you.  Hypnosis simply enables you to learn how to quickly access your Higher Self/Inner Guidance whenever you choose.

During a past-life or hypnosis session we will often turn to your Inner Wisdom to help us find the solutions to the problems, questions, concerns and health issues that you want to resolve.

Your Wisdom Self is always willing and eager to assist.  So let me help you learn how to consciously access this resource on a daily basis.