Archive for Negative Energy

Chakra Balancing

Male silhouette meditating with chakra

Chakra Balancing Energy of Avalon 220S. Woodland Blvd. #F Deland, Fl. 32720

What is Chakra Balancing, and why do we need to do it!

When it comes to Chakra Balancing I liken it to a chiropractic adjustment, except this is a spiritual adjustment an adjustment of your aura, energy.

When I use Chakra balancing on my clients I find many times that this helps to align them with life. I know that may sound simplistic, and I guess it is, it’s that simple. But as simple as it is, it remains important.

Like going to a chiropractor or an acupuncturist, Chakra balancing provides an even flow of energy and healing to occur.

When I am teaching a Metaphysical Course, I will balance everyone’s Chakras within the first few hours. I feel it allows the energy and information of the class to flow freely and to be more readily absorbed.

When working with clients balancing the Chakras serves as a deepening technique also which allows all the information for change to be accepted easier.

And of all the techniques I do, I seem to get a lot of feedback from this process. No harm can come from it, only benefits.

The benefits have become so noticeable that I have created a CD just for the purpose of balancing the Chakras. I always recommend to a client or student that balancing one’s Chakras are as important to the mind body and spirit as a regular teeth cleaning.

Balancing your chakras once a month would not be excessive.

I tell my students you always recognize when you need a Chakra Balancing, by simple things. A lack of energy, and excessive negativity in your thoughts. An overall feeling of motivation and happiness in your life. Trying Chakra Balancing may surprise you, on how much better you feel. If you have any questions about personal training or learning to train others feel free to contact me at 407-492-7363.

House Clearing

House clearing

A step-by-step guide to Basic House Clearing

Used together with de-cluttering, House Clearing is an elemental part of maintaining a vibrant, healthy, holistic home or workplace.


  1. It is best to do this by yourself. Make sure the children and pets are not present.
  2. Have the room you’re going to clear, be absolutely clean and tidy as possible.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing (if possible stay barefoot during the clearing.)
  4. Open windows to allow fresh air to circulate as you work, and to allow all trapped negative energy to freely leave.
  5. Take as long as you need to calm and centered your self. Take time to think about what you want this space clearing to achieve:  better and healthier atmosphere, improved sleep and overall health, are maybe the start of a happier, calmer  more fulfilled time of your life; it is completely personal and up to you.
  6. Call in whatever Angels are divine beings that are appropriate for your situation to help you.
  7. Used the bells are symbols in each corner of the room and in the center to shake up and disperse the stagnant, stale energy.
  8. Light your smudge stick our incense carefully and walk around the room, (hold your fireproof container under the stick to catch the ash).
  9. As a finish to the space clearing, place a bowl of sea salt in the middle of the room you have just cleared, or you can place small bowls of salt in each corner to absorb any residue negative energy.
  10. Light a candle, and at the same time starting your wish for the space clearing. Thank all the divine beings who have helped you.
  11. Find the aroma/fragrance of choice, I use eucalyptus. Spritz the area to clear away any final negativity and to positively energize and cleanse the atmosphere.


Remember: there is no wrong way to house clearing. A clear intention and a calm disposition is all that is needed to bring about your intentions. (Sometimes soft music can help you calm and aid with the House Clearing).